There's an 8 year old whose middle upper arm circumference registers in the "red" or "extreme" malnutrition category...for a five year old. WTF.
A baby boy was was in the hospital for a week. One doctor said discharge. One said stay. The discharging doctor won the argument, so we brought the baby to our safe home. 3 days later, the baby dies. WTF.
The country is out of a nutrient rich peanut butter based food, in part because the nurses were eating it instead of prescribing it. WTF.
Stealing a goat receives worse punishment than rape. WTF.
Please friends, be thankful for what we have. Aim to positively impact the community in which you live. Aim to make it hard for us to say WTF because we are all doing something to alleviate desperate situations, one step at a time.
Lets aim for less of this:
And more of this:
Gosh what heartbreaking stories. Thanks for sharing, Brad. It's so easy to forget this stuff is still happening around the world.