Greetings from the Kingdom of Lesotho! (Someday I'll learn that phrase in Sesotho, but I assume it sounds something like, "Lumelo Click Click eya Lesotho!")
Today marks the end of my first week here in Lesotho working for an organization (TTL) that strives to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS on the most vulnerable children. Lesotho has an approximate 25-30% HIV prevalence, which is third only to nearby Botswana and Swaziland. It's an astounding figure. That being said, what's perhaps more astounding and encouraging is that there is authentic hope. There is real and honest hope that the HIV prevalence will decrease significantly in my lifetime.
How did I get here?
The simple answer: airplane. More seriously, I had the good fortune about 5 years ago to travel around Africa to volunteer at several organizations whose clients were South Afican and Kenyan children infected and affected by HIV. Not only did I gain a heart for Africa, but also for the HIV population specifically. I knew I would always return to Africa to learn and offer help, but did not realize it would be so soon. After applying for and accepting a year long fellowship, I'm back and excited for an adventure!
I look forward to sharing my experiences with you. Although some people would consider a location that is 24 hours of travel from their home, the middle of nowhere, I know I have arrived in the middle of somewhere, somewhere with special people and a special culture, somewhere where I will learn more than I teach, and somewhere that will shape the way I view life's gifts. Cheers to being in the Middle of Somewhere!
More to come...
Excited for you B-RAD!! Bring on the adventures and the stories, and the smiles, and the joy!